Atlatl Rest, Safety Loop
& Anti-Gravity Device (AGD)

by Mike Richardson



The atlatl rest, which is located on the end of the atlatl handle, is a saddle of wood or antler that supports the dart shaft. The advantage of a rest is you don't have to use the thumb and index finger to pinch the shaft of the dart. It's great for kids and newbie atlatl throwers. I have since found other advantages like raking the atlatl rest through loose snow to locate lost darts or picking up darts without bending over.

With the addition of a safety loop and peg, along with the anti-gravity device (AGD), the atlatl can be carried on a long walk or stalk, while locked and loaded, as we use to say in the military. The atlatl and dart can also be held together in your tree stand, in your hunting blind or against the cabin ready for action. The safety loop must be disengaged before throwing the dart. If you hold the atlatl and dart horizontal with the saftey antler peg pointed down and squeeze the shaft, the safety loop releases with the aid of gravity.

The AGD is just a clove hitch with a few extra loops of buckskin lacing around the dart shaft. It keeps the dart shaft from sliding forward and disengaging the atlatl spur from the end of the shaft. This eliminates misfires when the spur slips out of the dimple. You don't have to take the clove hitch buckskin lace off to throw the dart. As soon as you start your throw, the dart lifts off the atlatl rest. Both the AGD and the safety loop work amazingly well at keeping the atlatl and dart together until you're ready to throw. If you have an atlatl of different length with a rest, you can slide the AGD along the shaft until it butts up against the atlatl rest. You are now ready to throw with the new atlatl.

You can hold the dart vertical while fishing or above in a tree stand without using the pinch grip. This is really a great advantage when using mittens in very cold weather here in Beringia/Alaska.

"Thinking outside the box."



Email your comments to "Mike Richardson" at
Mike Richardson resides in Anchorage, Alaska.

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